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Markets & Insights

What Is The State Pension Age?

Written by Katie Clarke on Sep 21st, 2021 Time to read: 2 minutes


There isn’t one state pension age for everybody, the answer depends on your circumstances. Right now, the state pension age is 66 for most people approaching retirement. This is the earliest you can receive your state pension if you have paid in enough years of national insurance contributions.

However, 66 may not be the state pension age for you.

It all depends on when you were born. People are living longer and spending a larger proportion of their adult life in retirement, because of this, the state pension age will increase and be later for today’s younger generations.

There are currently two types of state pensions, the new State Pension came into effect in 2016, replacing the basic State Pension which existed before it. Which pension applies to you will depend on whether you reached State Pension age before the new State Pension came into force (see the table below).


Female Before 6th April 1953 Basic State Pension
Male Before 6th April 1951 Basic State Pension
Female After 5th April 1953 New State Pension
Male After 5th April 1951 New State Pension

In terms of the state pension age, the government plans to move the state pension age to 67 by 2028 and then 68 by 2046. There are also plans to bring this second increase forward to between 2037 and 2039.

So, you need to be aware that even though the state pension age is 66 right now, this is potentially going to be different based on your age and could even change again.

To find out your exact state pension age, go to the government gateway website.

Given the potential variable nature of the state pension age, there are things you can do to add some more certainty to your retirement.

Consider investing in a Personal Pension or increasing your contribution in a Workplace Pension. This will mean you aren’t reliant on the state pension – you’ll be contributing and growing your money on your own terms.

Additionally, the reality is that the state pension simply won’t be enough for some people to retire on. The current state pension amounts to around £9,110 a year. Is that enough to live on? Think about the cost of your lifestyle – it has been said that retirement is like a full week of weekends. The likelihood is that £9,110 a year won’t be enough.

How much you’ll need in retirement will vary from person to person, but True Potential’s Savings Gap research shows that you may need around £23,000 a year in retirement. It could be the case you’re retired for 20 years or more, so it is important to start investing now.

Prepare today to ensure that you are in a comfortable financial position to retire on your terms and remember if you ever need more support you can speak to a financial adviser.


True Potential Wealth Management offers restricted financial advice. Our service is specifically designed for clients wishing to access their financial affairs online. With investing your capital is at risk. Investments can fluctuate in value and you could get back less than you invest. Tax rules can change at any time. Please be aware that this communication should not be considered as financial advice.

True Potential Wealth Management LLP is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.  FNR Number 529810.  Registered Head Office: Newburn House, Gateway West, Newburn Riverside, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE15 8NX. True Potential Wealth Management is a Limited Liability Partnership. OC356611.

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